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3rd Semester BA logic and Philosopy Honours Modern Western Philosop,(Core-5) Question Paper CBCS 2022 under Dibru.Uni

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 3rd Semester BA logic and Philosopy Honours Modern Western Philosop,(Core-5) Question Paper CBCS 2022 under Dibru.Uni

3rd Semester BA logic and Philosopy Honours Modern Western Philosop,(Core-5) Question Paper CBCS 2022 under Dibru.Uni

(d) "There is nothing in the intellect that was not previously in the senses." It is said by Locke / Berkeley.
(e) According to Hume, contiguity is / is not. element of causality.

(1) "Whatever is rational is real and whatever is real is rational." It is said by Hegel / Hume.
(g) Transcendental Logic is a part of 'critique of pure reason'/'critique of practical reason".
(h) "The understanding makes nature." It is viewed by Hegel / Kant.
2. Write short notes on any four of the following:  5x4-20
(a) Pre-established harmony
(b) Primary and secondary qualities
(o) Esse est percipi
(d) Hume's concept of causality
(e) Hegel's objective idealism
3. Critically explain Descartes' theory of knowledge.



What is Substance? Critically explain Spinoza's concept of Substance.

4 Discuss Leibniz's theory of Monads. How can windowless?

there be a system of Monads if Monads are



What are innate ideas? How does Locke refute the doctrine of innate ideas? Critically discuss.


5. What is subjective idealism? How does Berkeley try to refute the existence of matter? Discuss.



Explain and evaluate Hume's doctrine of Self.


6 Which judgements are a priori according to Kant? What is the difference between a priori analytic and a priori synthetic judgements? Discuss, following Kant, how synthetic a priori judgements are possible.



Critically discuss dialectic method of Hegel.

সম্পুৰ্ণ প্ৰশ্নখন পাবলৈ তলৰ ডাউনলোদ শব্দটো টিপি দিয়ক

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Dipika Mili

From Nowboicha College

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