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3rd Semester BA Philosopy Honours Indian Ethic,(Core-6) Question Paper CBCS 2022 under Dibru.Uni

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3rd Semester BA  Philosopy Honours Indian Ethic,(Core-6) Question Paper CBCS 2022 under Dibru.Unio

1. Find out the correct answerb1x8=8

(a) Rta / Rna is universal essence of all things.
(b) Śreyah and Preyaḥ in Upanişads are identical / opposite to each other.
(c) According to 'Bhagavadgita', Jñana Mārga is suitable for rational / emotional kind of persons.
(d) The classifications of Varnadharma is on the basis of Guna Guna and Karma. (e) Detachment from the worldly beings is mainly concerned with third / fourth stage of life.
(1) There is no heaven, no final liberation according to Buddhist ethics / Carvāka ethics.
(g) The seventh step of Eight-fold Path of Buddhism is right effort / right mindfulness.
(h) There are three / five Mahabratas in Jaina ethics.
Write short notes on any four of the following:5x4=20
(a) Niśreyas in Upanişads/
(b) Lokasamgraha in 'Bhagavadgita' (c) Caturāśrama Dharma s
(d) Pancasila of Buddhist ethics
(e) Nişkāma Karmayoga

3. Explain the concept of Rna and Yonjña in Vedas.
Write on the ethical doctrine of Upanişads.
(d) The classifications of Varnadharma is on the

basis of Guna Guna and Karma. (e) Detachment from the worldly beings is mainly concerned with third / fourth stage of


(1) There is no heaven, no final liberation according to Buddhist ethics / Carvāka ethics.

(g) The seventh step of Eight-fold Path of

Buddhism is right effort / right mindfulness.

(h) There are three / five Mahabratas in Jaina ethics.

Write short notes on any four of the following:


(a) Niśreyas in Upanişads/

(b) Lokasamgraha in 'Bhagavadgita
' (c) Caturāśrama Dharma s

(d) Pancasila of Buddhist ethics

(e) Nişkāma Karmayoga

3. Explain the concept of Rna and Yonjña in Vedas.
Write on the ethical doctrine of Upanişads.

প্ৰশ্নটো পাবলৈ তলৰ ডাউনলোদ শব্দটো ক্লিক কৰিব 

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dipika mili

From Nowboicha college

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