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(Plant Ecology and Phytogeography) Bsc 4th sem question Paper CBCs under dibrugarH University 2022.pdf

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 (Plant Ecology and Phytogeography) Bsc 4th sem question Paper CBCs under dibrugarH University 2022.pdf

(Plant Ecology and Phytogeography) Bsc 4th sem question Paper CBCs under dibrugarH University 2022.pdf

1. Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives:                      1×5-5

(a) Transition zone between two vegetations is known as

(i) ecotone

(i) ecotype

(iii) ecosystem

(iv) ecocline

(b) Last stabilized community in plant succession is called pioneer community

climax community

(iii) seral community

iv) ecosere

(c) The water held tightly in a thin film by the soil particles is known as

f) capillary water

(ii) runaway water

(ii) hygroscopic water

ivt gravitational water

(d) Reduced leaves and sunken stomata are

the characteristic feature of

(i) epiphytes

(i) hydrophytes


(iv) xerophytes

(e) If the stronger partner is benefited and the weak partner is damaged it is known Ramensalism

(a) symbiosis

(ii) predation

(iv) allotropy

2. Write short notes on any three of the following:


. (a) Homeostasis

(b) Ecological importance of water

(c) Commensalism

(d) Edge effect

(e) Continental drift

3. Define plant succession. Describe the causes and types of plant succession. 2+4+6-12


Write explanatory notes on the following.6×2-12

(a) Hydrological cycle

(b) Ecological speciation

4. Define ecosystem. Write about the structure and function of an ecosystem. Mention Π precisely the effect of human activity on forest ecosystem.



What is biogeochemical cycle? Describe the nitrogen cycle with appropriate sketches. Write the importance of nitrogen cycle.

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