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Bsc 6th sem botany honourse(Natural Resource Management )DSE-2 Under Dibrugarh University

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Bsc 6th sem botany honourse(Natural Resource Management )DSE-2 Under Dibrugarh University

Bsc 6th sem botany honourse(Natural Resource Management )DSE-2 Under Dibrugarh University


1. (a) Choose the correct following:1x3-3

(i) Silent Valley is situated in

(1) Assam

(2) Kerala

(3) Africa

(4) South America

(ii) Which of the following is non renewable source of energy?

1) Fossil fuel

(2) Water

(3) Solar energy

(4) Forest

(iii) Sheet erosion is caused by 

(1) fast running rivers

(2) wind

3) heavy rains

 (4) glaciers

(b) Fill in the blanks:   1x2=2

(i) The National Forest Policy was introduced in the year______

(ii) The Chipko Movement was started by______

2. Write short notes on the following: 3×4=12

a) Sustainable development

b) Non-renewable energy

c) Biodiversity hotspot

(d) Objectives of IUCN

3. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 

(a)deforestation in India 

(b) National biodiversity action plan

(c) Carbon footprint

(d) In-situ and ex-situ conservation.


Define the term 'wetlands'. What are the four major types of wetland? Describe briefly about the importance and management strategies of wetlands. 1+2+4+5=12


What do you mean by biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes? Describe briefly the impacts of waste accumulation on the environment and write the different steps of its management.


5. Define wasteland or problem soil. Discuss various causes of soil degradation and its impact on the environment.



What do you mean by conservation? What are their aims? Write about the national and international efforts in natural resource management and their conservation.

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