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1st Sem Zoology core-1 (Non-Chordata)CBCS Question Paper 2022 Under Dibrugarh University

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 1. Fill in the blanks :


(a) Amoebic dysentery is caused by (b) Canal system is found in porifera......
(c) Interstitial cells in Hydra form...... 
(d) In jellyfish, the mouth is at the end of the k anterior.......
(e) Excretion in flatworms is performed by......
2. Distinguish between any two of the following:    3x2=6
(a) Pinacoderm and Spicules
(b) Polyp and Medusae Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes
3. Write short notes following: on any three of the3x3=9
(a) Canal system in sponges
(b) Locomotion in protists
(c) Coral reefs
(d) Ctenophora
4. Explain the sexual and asexual reproduction of protist. 6
5. Describe briefly the food trapping by sponge cells.  5
Discuss the polymorphism in Cnidaria.Explain the evolutionary significance of Ctenophora.
7.Write the general characters of Metazoa. Explain in brief the pathogenicity of Taenia solium.
8. Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium and its pathogenicity.4+3=7
9. Describe in brief the life cycle and pathogenicity of Ascaris lumbricoides. 3+3=6
Mention three characters and give the classification of Platyhelminthes up to class.

ltk college bikas pegu
Bikas Pegu From L.T.K College

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