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Fucus,About of Fucus,Fucus Reproduction



}  Presented by

}  Name:-

}  Bsc.1st semester

}  Deptt.Botany

}  Roll  No

}  Year : 



Classification of Fucus

}  Division        : Phaeophyocphyta

}  Class            : Phaeophyceae

}  Order           : Fucales

}  Family          : Fucaseae

}  Genus           : Fucus


* Fucus is an exclusively marine alga, widely distributed along the sea coasts of temperate and arctic regions.
** They are attached to  the  rocks under cold water between the high  and low tide marks by their flat discoid holdfasts

}  The plant body i.e. thallus is more or less then 30 cm. The vegetative body of the focus plant is composed of three main parts are:-

}  *Holdfast

}  **Stipe

}  ***Frond or blade



}  The fucus reproduced mainly two type, namely:-

   1.Vegetative Reproduction.

2.Sexual Reproduction.


**It takes place by fragmentation of the vegetative body in to many parts,each of which grows into a new thallus**

2.Sexual Reproduction

}  **Sexual reproduction  of higher type of oogamy exist in Fucus.In homothallic species,both antheridian and oogonia borne in the same or  in different conceptableces  on the same plant while in heterothallic speiceis,the antheridian  and oogonia are borne in separat conceptales on different plants.

Antheredium and development of anthero zoids i.e. sperms

}  The male conceptacle bears numerous antheridia and paraphyses.Antheridia develop on irregular branched fertile paraphyses, developing from conceptacle wall .Antheridia are small, club-shaped, unicelluar and provided with a small stalk-like  structure and more noumerous than oogonia.

Fig. of sexual reproduction

Oogonium and the development of egg

}  The   oogonia are oval or somewhat eelipsoidal in shape and are provided with one-called short stalks. They are produced among the paraphyses within the female orr mixed conceptacle. Each conceptacle contains several oogonia.


}  Vesiculosus treatment  prevented the rats from becoming obes and the  biochemical and physical  parameters were mainteined to normal levels.So ,the fucus vesiculous can be taken up for further research on human subject..


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