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BA 5th Sem CBCScore-11( Education in post india)2022 under dibrugarh university

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 BA 5th Sem CBCScore-11( Education in post india)2022 under dibrugarh university

পংখী মৰাণ

Mention any one defect of secondary education according to Mudaliar Commission, 1952-53.  et What is the full form of NCERT? Write one limitation of the National  Policy on Education, 1986.  Yg) When was Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan launched? 2009  State one main vision of NIOS.  2. Write short notes  on  any four of thefollowing : The challenges towards implementation of the constitutional provisions 5.  (b) The reasons for setting up Kothari Commission The results of the educational policy of 1968fa The Right to Education Act, 2009.The role of UGC in the development of Indian education  3. Give a brief account of educational situations in India at the time of independence. Or Write the recommendations made by Radhakrishnan Commission, 1948 on the reforms of curriculum and women education. 4. "The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms." Who made this statement? Write about the education and national.  objectives of Kothari Commission. 1+10-11  Or  Mention the provisions of the Indian Constitution regarding secularism education and education for women.  in  24 15,16  11  5. Discuss about the resolutions adopted on the  National Policy on Education, 1986 for the development of Indian education.  6. What is the full form of NAAC and why was it  formed? Discuss the missions and objectives of NAAC.  What is RUSA? Describe briefly the main aims and objectives of RUSA.  2+9=11  7.Give brief descriptions of the following: 2×4=8  a)ECCE10+2+3 educational structurebIntroduction of Ishwarbhai Patel  dr AICTE and NIOS

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Mention any one defect of secondary education according to Mudaliar Commission, 1952-53.

et What is the full form of NCERT? Write one limitation of the National

Policy on Education, 1986.

Yg) When was Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan launched? 2009

State one main vision of NIOS.

2. Write short notes


any four of thefollowing

: The challenges towards implementation of the constitutional provisions 5.

(b) The reasons for setting up Kothari Commission The results of the educational policy of 1968fa The Right to Education Act, 2009.The role of UGC in the development of Indian education

3. Give a brief account of educational situations in India at the time of independence.


Write the recommendations made by Radhakrishnan Commission, 1948 on the reforms of curriculum and women education.

4. "The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms." Who made this statement? Write about the education and national.

objectives of Kothari Commission. 1+10-11


Mention the provisions of the Indian Constitution regarding secularism education and education for women.


24 15,16


5. Discuss about the resolutions adopted on the

National Policy on Education, 1986 for the development of Indian education.

6. What is the full form of NAAC and why was it

formed? Discuss the missions and objectives of NAAC.

What is RUSA? Describe briefly the main aims and objectives of RUSA.


7.Give brief descriptions of the following: 2×4=8

a)ECCE10+2+3 educational structurebIntroduction of Ishwarbhai Patel


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