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Bsc 3rd sem Botany(Economic Botany C-6)Question Paper Under CBCS dibrugarh University 2022

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l.t.k college
L.T.K College

Bsc 3rd sem Botany(Economic Botany C-6)Question Paper Under CBCS dibrugarh University 2022

2. Write short notes on any four of the 3×4-12


(a) Wood seasoning

(b) Essential oils

(c) Cinchona

(d) Biodiesel

(e) Turmeric

3. Write the scientific names along with their families of the following plants and give short accounts on their economic importance of their useful parts (any three) : (1+1+2)×3=12

(a) Rubber

(b) Castor

(c) Ashwagandha

(d) Tobacco

(e) Teak

4. Write an account on cultivation along with processing and economic utilization of coffee.

5. Name any two fibre yielding plants, giving their families. Describe the methods of fibre extraction from them and their commercial uses.(1+1+4)×2=12


What do you mean by domestication of plants? Write an explanatory note on Vavilov's centre of origin of crop plants.

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