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1st sem zoology c-2 Principle of Ecology CBCS

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1st sem zoology c-2 Principle of Ecology CBCS

 (b) In which year, the concept of ecosystem was first formally proposed by the English botanist Arthur Tansley? an

(i) 1932

(ii) 1935

(iii) 1938

(iv) 1972


2.(c) Denitrifying bacteria change [i) nitrite to nitrate (iv) nitrogen to nitrate

(ii) nitrate to nitrogen molecule
(iii) nitrate to nitrite
(d) Biosphere refers to plants of the world
(ii) area occupied by living beings
(iii) special plants
(iv) plants of particular area
(e) The study of interrelationship between a species and its environment is called
(i) forest ecology
(ii) autecology
f) synecology
(iv) niche
2. (a) Write short notes on any two of the following: (i) Survivorship curves      4x2=8
(i)r and K strategies
iii) Lotka-Volterra equation for competition and predation
(b) Write brief notes on any two of the following: 3x2=6
i) Ecological pyramids
(ii) Ecological succession with hydrosere
(iii) Nitrogen cycle

3. Write a note on the importance of wildlife conservation. Explain any five abiotic factors of ecosystem.
4. Define ecosystem. Write about the different types of ecosystem and in detail about forest ecosystem.


what is food chain? Describe Y-shaped food chain.
5. Answer the following questions :
Define population growth. Describe the exponential and logistic growth curve, its equations and patterns.


What is Gauss' principle in ecology? Describe it with laboratory and field examples.


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