Equisetum,Systematic position,Habitat,
Systematics position
Family:- Equisetacea
Class:- Equisetinae
Division:- Calamopotyta
Habitat :-
Except australlia and Newzaland the genus equisetum with about 25 species is world wide in distribution .Most of the species inhabit the temperature regions few are tropical.(...............................click here for more notes.................click me..........................)
Structure of the Sporophyte
1.External Morphology of the vegetative organs
(a) Stem :- The stem sub terranem underground horizontal,much branched ,pereninal rhizome which often penetrate to more than a meter in the soil.
(b)Leaves :- Leaves are simple small slender4 scale like and each provide with single midrib.
(c)Roots:- Roots are slender much branched and adventitious .(...............................click here for more notes.................click me..........................)