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Dracian dicot stem practical in Bsc


To the study of identify the transversection of dicotoledonouse stem of "Dracea".

Aim of study :-To the study of identify the transversection of dicotoledonouse stem of "Dracea".

Procedure:-  The morphologically nature of supplied speciement is studied with safarine and observed under compound microscope.


(i)Single layerd epidermis consisting of rectangular cells is present in the youngest stages but at maturity it gets ruptured due to  secondaryb growth and replace by work.
(ii) Some lencles are also present.


(i) In old stems is present the periderm which consisting of cork ,cork cambium  and secondary cortex these are also known as phellem ,phellogen and phelloderm respectively.
(ii) Cork cambium is one-to few cells deep and consist of barrel this walled cells.It cuts of cork towards outer side and secondary cortex towards inner side.

Vascular System:-
(i)Primary structure consist of numerouse scatterd vascullar bundle which are closed and collateral.
(ii)In the later stages shows secondary growth
(iii)At the time of secondary growth  many layerd cambium bundles in parenchyma.
(iv)Phloem consist of sieve tubes companion cells and phloem parenchyma.

(i)Vessels have perforated end walls with scalariform and regularly arranged holes_ _ _ _ _Angiosperm.
(ii)Well developed ground _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _tissue.
(iii)Scatterd vascular bundles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _monocot.
(iv)Vascular bundle are_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conjoint and collateral.

             From the all above the speciements characterstics proves as a dicotoledonous stem of "Dracia".Click now for Presentation

Dracian dicot stem practical in Bsc

For Bsc 3rd sem 

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