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Phyllum Nematheliminths,chararcter



About with Definition :

  Animals belonging to the phylum Nemathelimenths are called nematodes  and roundwarms. Nematodes (Greek: Nema –thread , ode –like) are ubiquitouse unsegmented, tripoblastic, psourdscoelomic  free living or parasitic worms. It includes more than 20,000 species. The most distinguishing characters. Stic of this phylum is the presence of paired lateral sensory organs , withn out cilia and with outer opening through a small pore.



(i)                They are ubiqucitous , generally found in carge number in upper soil.

(ii)              Body cylindrical, worms like tappereny at both the ends.

(iii)            Mostly parasitic free living nematodes are found in fresswater , marine and terrestrial envioronments.

(iv)            Body 8in biolaterally symmetrical body with well marked anterior and to the wicle is the epidermites thrt piosses congiredinal lines anmd from chords. Beneathnal muscle fibers, that also bonds 6the cinivy of body cavity.


HomeScience BscNEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

NEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

Tapan PayengMarch 29, 2021

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About with Definition :

  Animals belonging to the phylum Nemathelimenths are called nematodes  and roundwarms. Nematodes (Greek: Nema –thread , ode –like) are ubiquitouse unsegmented, tripoblastic, psourdscoelomic  free living or parasitic worms. It includes more than 20,000 species. The most distinguishing characters. Stic of this phylum is the presence of paired lateral sensory organs , withn out cilia and with outer opening through a small pore.


(i)                They are ubiqucitous , generally found in carge number in upper soil.

(ii)              Body cylindrical, worms like tappereny at both the ends.

(iii)            Mostly parasitic free living nematodes are found in fresswater , marine and terrestrial envioronments.

(iv)            Body 8in biolaterally symmetrical body with well marked anterior and to the wicle is the epidermites thrt piosses congiredinal lines anmd from chords. Beneathnal muscle fibers, that also bonds 6the cinivy of body cavity.


Alimentary cannel is complete that starts cuimk mouth and  ends in anus. Anteriority co cated mouth is surrounded by three lips, mouth ceads to buccal cavity which in hern opens into a thck muscular pharunx. Next to pharynx is a straight tube, the intestine. Porteriority the intensitive forms the rectum that opens out by anus. Blood and partially digested food from the host guff is sucked by the worm by the pumping action of the pharunx and absorved by the cells of the intestive.


Is simple that consist of paired congitedinal canals. These canal emite anteriority and opens outside by excretory pore. Flame cel are absent.


Nerous system comprise of a ring surrounding the pharynx that gives out 6 nerveboth forward and backward . the n3erve ring consist of single dorsal ganglions , and one pair earn of sub dorsal , lateral and ventral gangilia posterior end of malese contain lateral, ventral and cateral nerve cords.


HomeScience BscNEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

NEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

Tapan PayengMarch 29, 2021

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About with Definition :

  Animals belonging to the phylum Nemathelimenths are called nematodes  and roundwarms. Nematodes (Greek: Nema –thread , ode –like) are ubiquitouse unsegmented, tripoblastic, psourdscoelomic  free living or parasitic worms. It includes more than 20,000 species. The most distinguishing characters. Stic of this phylum is the presence of paired lateral sensory organs , withn out cilia and with outer opening through a small pore.


(i)                They are ubiqucitous , generally found in carge number in upper soil.

(ii)              Body cylindrical, worms like tappereny at both the ends.

(iii)            Mostly parasitic free living nematodes are found in fresswater , marine and terrestrial envioronments.

(iv)            Body 8in biolaterally symmetrical body with well marked anterior and to the wicle is the epidermites thrt piosses congiredinal lines anmd from chords. Beneathnal muscle fibers, that also bonds 6the cinivy of body cavity.


Alimentary cannel is complete that starts cuimk mouth and  ends in anus. Anteriority co cated mouth is surrounded by three lips, mouth ceads to buccal cavity which in hern opens into a thck muscular pharunx. Next to pharynx is a straight tube, the intestine. Porteriority the intensitive forms the rectum that opens out by anus. Blood and partially digested food from the host guff is sucked by the worm by the pumping action of the pharunx and absorved by the cells of the intestive.


Is simple that consist of paired congitedinal canals. These canal emite anteriority and opens outside by excretory pore. Flame cel are absent.


Nerous system comprise of a ring surrounding the pharynx that gives out 6 nerveboth forward and backward . the n3erve ring consist of single dorsal ganglions , and one pair earn of sub dorsal , lateral and ventral gangilia posterior end of malese contain lateral, ventral and cateral nerve cords.


Sexs are separate with distinct sexual dimorphism. The made reproductive system consists of a colid testis, vas deference ,vesicular seminalis and yaculatory duct. Female reproductive organs inclkkude paired ovaries, oviduels sewminal receptacles and uteri that joins in a surface (gonopore). Unlike males , the female reproductive organs are double insteal of single.


© life history of Ascaris Lumbricoides :

Round worm completes its life cycle in a single wost i.e, man. Adult worms live in small intensitive and realesase out fertilized eggs along with the faeces., in soil, within the egg shell a rhabditiform carva this embryo containing egg is ingested along with contaminated food or water , the embryonated egg reaches the duodenum , becomes active and the rhabdiform Carva is libereated in the intestive. The Carva penetrates the intestive wall and through portal circulation reaches the liver.After few days it moves to heartr, thgen the leeng ( undergoes mouth), reaches the alvedi crawl to tracheae, pharynx and owo way again. In small  intensitive , they undergo another mouthtiny and ggrows into adult. Grovid females release eggs along with the faeces and the cycles continues.

HomeScience BscNEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

NEMATHELIMINT,Character,class of Nemathelmints (CBCS Bsc 3rd semester for zoollogy generics/honours)

Tapan PayengMarch 29, 2021

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About with Definition :

  Animals belonging to the phylum Nemathelimenths are called nematodes  and roundwarms. Nematodes (Greek: Nema –thread , ode –like) are ubiquitouse unsegmented, tripoblastic, psourdscoelomic  free living or parasitic worms. It includes more than 20,000 species. The most distinguishing characters. Stic of this phylum is the presence of paired lateral sensory organs , withn out cilia and with outer opening through a small pore.


(i)                They are ubiqucitous , generally found in carge number in upper soil.

(ii)              Body cylindrical, worms like tappereny at both the ends.

(iii)            Mostly parasitic free living nematodes are found in fresswater , marine and terrestrial envioronments.

(iv)            Body 8in biolaterally symmetrical body with well marked anterior and to the wicle is the epidermites thrt piosses congiredinal lines anmd from chords. Beneathnal muscle fibers, that also bonds 6the cinivy of body cavity.


Alimentary cannel is complete that starts cuimk mouth and  ends in anus. Anteriority co cated mouth is surrounded by three lips, mouth ceads to buccal cavity which in hern opens into a thck muscular pharunx. Next to pharynx is a straight tube, the intestine. Porteriority the intensitive forms the rectum that opens out by anus. Blood and partially digested food from the host guff is sucked by the worm by the pumping action of the pharunx and absorved by the cells of the intestive.


Is simple that consist of paired congitedinal canals. These canal emite anteriority and opens outside by excretory pore. Flame cel are absent.


Nerous system comprise of a ring surrounding the pharynx that gives out 6 nerveboth forward and backward . the n3erve ring consist of single dorsal ganglions , and one pair earn of sub dorsal , lateral and ventral gangilia posterior end of malese contain lateral, ventral and cateral nerve cords.


Sexs are separate with distinct sexual dimorphism. The made reproductive system consists of a colid testis, vas deference ,vesicular seminalis and yaculatory duct. Female reproductive organs inclkkude paired ovaries, oviduels sewminal receptacles and uteri that joins in a surface (gonopore). Unlike males , the female reproductive organs are double insteal of single.


© life history of Ascaris Lumbricoides :

Round worm completes its life cycle in a single wost i.e, man. Adult worms live in small intensitive and realesase out fertilized eggs along with the faeces., in soil, within the egg shell a rhabditiform carva this embryo containing egg is ingested along with contaminated food or water , the embryonated egg reaches the duodenum , becomes active and the rhabdiform Carva is libereated in the intestive. The Carva penetrates the intestive wall and through portal circulation reaches the liver.After few days it moves to heartr, thgen the leeng ( undergoes mouth), reaches the alvedi crawl to tracheae, pharynx and owo way again. In small  intensitive , they undergo another mouthtiny and ggrows into adult. Grovid females release eggs along with the faeces and the cycles continues.

The detailed life cycle ios describe below:

(i)               Copulation and fertilization: Adult worms copulates in the small intestive of the host .i.e, man. Ouring copulation the male orients its loacal aperture.


1.         Pore – like amphides are present .

2.          Paired phasmid present in t6he caudeds region.

3.         Well developed excr4etory systems.

4.          Weakly developed mesenterical tissues.

5.          Caudal adherive gklands absent .

6.          Mostly parasitic , few free living example:Ascaires, Wucherria, Ancylooloma etc.

1.Morphological Adaptons: Morphological adaptations include eighter coss some of new organs.

(a) Loss of some organs:

1. Locomonotory organs:  The endoparasitic worms donot requires andy specific. Locomonoytary organs for more ment and hence they are absent, however the carvel froms of parasitic bear cilia that is required for dispersal.

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