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Natural Resouce Management Book 6th sem Bsc Botany Syllabus ,DSE-VI

 Natural Resouce Management

With Syllabus 

Course - VI: Natural Resource Management The objective of this course is to expose the studears to different natural resources and their

management practices THEORY

Lectures: 60

(2 lectures)

Unit 1: Natural resources

(8 lectures)

Definition and types Un 2: Sastamable utilization

Concept, approaches (economic, ecological and socio-cultural).

(8 lectures)

Unit 3: Land pantoml, horticultural, silvicultural). Soil degradation and management

Undirson (egricultural, Unil 4: Water

(8 lectures)

Fiesh water (rivers, lakes, groundwater, aquifers, watershed), Mariue, Estuarine, Wedands. Threats and

mangement strategies.

Uuld 5: Biological Resources

(12 lectures)

Biodiversity-definition and types. Significance; Threats: Management strategies, Biodiversity Hot Spot (Terrestrial & Marine), IUCN Species categories. In situ & Ex sin conservation, Bio-prospecting: IPR: CBD: National

Biodiversity Action Plan). Biodiversity and Sustainable development

Definition. Cover and its significance (with special reference to India): Major and minor

(6 lectures)


Unit 6: Forests

Depletion Management.

(6 lectures)

Call 7: Eartgy

Renewable snad nou-senewable sources of energy

Datt 8: Contemporary practices la reserce management EIA, GIS, Participatory Resource Appraisal Ecological Footprint with emphasis on carbon footprint,

(& lectures)

Resonroe Accounting Waste tamagement.

Unit 9: National and international efforts in resource management and conservation

(4 irctures)

National and international efforts in natural resource management and their conservation approaches

Course Code: BD606P

DSE Course-VI-Practical: Natural Resource Management

L Eduation of solid waste preated by a domnevtle system (biodegradable and na-blodegradable) and its inpact on

land degradation 2 Collection of data o focest cover of specific as

Merrement of dominance of woody species by DBH (diameter at breast bei ght) method.

4. Calculation and analysis of eenlegion) fotprint

Ecological modeling

Suggested Readings

1. Vaidvan, N. (2006) Esentials of Evicomtal Scimos, Naroa Publishing House, New Delhi

2. Singh 1.5, Singh, SP and Gupin, S (2006) Ecology, Environment and Resource Conservation. Anmaya Publications, New Delhi

J. Rogas, P.P... Jalal. K.F. and Boyd, JA (2005). An Introduction to Sustainable Development Prentice Hall of d Private Lindted, New Delhi


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