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Functional Anatomy of Kidney,Unit 4 Zoollogy Generic CBCS


                       Unit 4.   Renal Physiology

 Discussed Below 

1.Functional Anatomy of   Kidney

Functional Anatomy of Kidney

The kidney is compound tabular gland,adapted to filtering wastes from the blood .It is enclosed in a strong capsule of connective tissue that containes a few smooth fibres.

Ø Cortex :- The cortex is granular in apperaratureched because  the tubules here are much convoluted and its also contain the malphigian corpuscles. The cortex overlies the bases of modularly pyramids and tips down between them . These displaced portion of  cortex which invade the modularly territority are called the renal columns of Bertin.When  viewed with a magnifying  lens it becomes evident that the cortex is not uniform in texture. It is subdivided into alternating radial tracts known as rays and labyrinths.The rays are radialy striate becouse  they contain the straight parts of  proximal tubules and collecting ducts.

Ø Medulla :-  The medulla looks  striated as the tubules run  through it in a straight  cours radiating towards the pelvis. The medulla consist of 10 to 15 conical  masses ,the renal pyremids whose base adjacent to the cortex and whose apices from the papilla. These spaces between calyces are part of the renal sinus and filled with adipose tissue vessels and nerves.The calyces join to expanded  beginning of the ureter.In the medulla are also present the medularly rays where the tubules are rumming in  straight course.

Ø Hillum:- The medial concave border of a kidney  contain a notch known  as the hillum through which the renal artery enters and the renal veins and are urether leave the kidney.

·        Uriniferouse Tubule :- A complete uriniferouse tubule consist bof two      components parts :-

1.The secreatory tubule or nephrone which is long and unbranched .                                    2.The encretory portion which is branched true like system of excretory ducts.

Secretory Tubule :- It consist of bthe following parts :-

(i)A dilated blind end the glomerularal capsule , Which invaginated to enclose a fuft of convoluted blood capillaries , the glomerulus.The whole structure is called a Malphigian Corpuscle.

(ii)The tubule leaves  the capsule by constricted neck.Passing into the greately costorted proximal convoluted tubules.

Functional Anatomy of Kidney,Unit 4 Zoollogy Generic CBCS
Structure of Anatomy of Kidney
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