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Paragraph writing for Bsc/BA/Bcom 1st


Paragraph writing for Bsc/BA/Bcom 1st

Introduction and Definition :

A paragraph is the basic unit of a prose composition. Just as a word is the primary unit of a sentence, a paragraph is basic for all sorts of prose compositions. It can be defined as a proper arrangement of well-connected sentences on one theme/ idea/concept. It is a group of sentences at once thematically singular and structurally logical and coherent. Whenever a new concept comes, we should change the paragraph. Again, if the sentences are not logical in relation to each other, we cannot call them to be proper paragraphs. Every sentence in a coherent paragraph is linked up to the sentences that proceed and follow it.Paragraph writing is distinct from essay writing. As a part/unit of prose composition, the paragraph is much shorter than the academic essay. Of course, there is no fixity how many words/ sentences should be in a paragraph. The paragraph sizes differ depending on its thematic concerns, individual authors, types of prose (e.g. argumentative paragraph, fiction, biography etc.).

As a distinct form of composition, paragraph writing means writing one paragraph. From this view point, elements of the essay are the basic parts of the paragraph as well. But because of the compact size, the elements are not detailed but presented in well-knit outlines.

Essential features of a Good Paragraph:

A good paragraph is essentially a well-knit paragraph that

emphatically addresses the topic in clear terms. In other word, a good paragraph is marked by unity, coherent, clarity, brevity and emphasis. 1. Unity: A good paragraph bears unity of theme, thought, concept, idea or argument. The three structural part introduction, body and conclusion centralize on one argument. In other words, a good paragraph contains only one idea which is developed, illustrated and established by the different sentence

in the paragraph. When a new concept comes, we have to change

the paragraph. The controlling idea stated in the topic sentence

is the core element that brings unity to a paragraph. II. Coherence: A good paragraph is coherent, i.e. logically connected and consistent. A paragraph can be called coherent if it is semantically unified and linguistically co-related. The various sentences develop the central concept in a logical manner in a good paragraph. Again, through the use of various linguistic devices such as pronoun (I, you, he/she, it) relative words (that, and wh-words) synonymous terms, conjunctions (and, or, but, due to, although, if) coherence is brought to a paragraph. Repetition of certain key terms and backward (anaphoric) and forward (cataphoric) reference also contribute to the coherence of a paragraph. For achieving coherence, two orders of presentation can be used: chronological order and order of importance. The chronological order helps the reader to understand the sequence of events while order of importance presents the relative importance of the various aspects of the central argument.

III. Clarity: Conceptual clarity and linguistic un-ambiguity are essential features of a good paragraph. Confused, blurry, misleading sentences, ambiguous constructions, grammatical errors and wrong use of vocabulary make a paragraph unclear. The argument or thesis is established only when the paragraph is free from these errors. If clarity is missing, the very purpose of a paragraph is destroyed.

IV. Brevity: Brevity is the soul of wit. It is greatly essential for bringing clarity to a piece of writing. A paragraph should have appropriate length. Although it is not fixed, a standard paragraph should be written between five to ten sentences. The writer has to notice that the paragraph should not be so long as to confuse the meaning; nor, should it be so short as to miss the necessary analysis. Short simple sentences should be used instead of long complex sentences. Unrelated digressions should be avoided.

V. Emphasis: Each sentence in a paragraph should be given due emphasis because all do contribute to provide a unified concept or impression. In developing an argument the writer should know what should be stated first, how to use cause and effect relationship to develop the central concept and how to highlight the supporting evidences. proper use of emphasis makes the paragraph a piece of effective written communication.

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