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Bsc 6th semester /Plant Biotechnology/Core 15/Under dibrugarh University/CBCS


Course Code: BC614T

Core Course XIV: Plant Biotechnology

The objective of this course is to expose the students to application of modern tools and techniques in Biology


(Credits: Theory-4, Practical-2)




Lectures: 60

Bsc 6th semester /Plant Biotechnology/Core 15/Under dibrugarh University

Unit 1: Plant Tissue Culture                                                                                                               (16 lectures)


Historical perspective; Composition of media; Nutrient and hormone requirements (role of vitamins and hormones); Totipotency; Organogenesis; Embryogenesis (somatic and zygotic); Protoplast isolation, culture and fusion; Tissue culture applications (micropropagation, androgenesis, virus elimination, secondary metabolite production, haploids, triploids and hybrids; Cryopreservation; Germplasm Conservation).


Unit 2: Recombinant DNA technology                                                                                         (12 lectures)


Restriction Endonucleases (History, Types I-IV, biological role and application); Restriction Mapping (Linear and Circular); Cloning Vectors: Prokaryotic (pUC 18 and pUC19, pBR322, Ti plasmid, BAC); Lambda phage, M13 phagemid, Cosmid, Shuttle vector; Eukaryotic Vectors (YAC).


Unit 3: Gene Cloning                                                                                                                               (10 lectures)


Recombinant DNA, Bacterial Transformation and selection of recombinant clones, PCR-mediated gene cloning; Gene Construct; construction of genomic and cDNA libraries, screening DNA libraries to obtain gene of interest by genetic selection; complementation, colony hybridization.


Unit 4: Methods of gene transfer                                                                                                     (8 lectures)


Agrobacterium-mediated, Direct gene transfer by Electroporation, Microinjection, Microprojectile bombardment; Selection of transgenics– selectable marker and reporter genes (Luciferase, GUS, GFP).


Unit 5: Applications of Biotechnology                                                                                          (14 lectures)


Pest resistant (Bt-cotton); herbicide resistant plants (RoundUp Ready soybean); Transgenic crops with improved quality traits (Flavr Savr tomato, Golden rice); Improved horticultural varieties (Moondust carnations); Role of transgenics in bioremediation (Superbug); edible vaccines; Industrial enzymes (Aspergillase, Protease, Lipase); Gentically Engineered Products–Human Growth Hormone; Humulin; Biosafety concerns.



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Course Code: BC614P

Core Course XIV - Practical: Plant Biotechnology


1. (a) Preparation of MS medium.


(b)   Demonstration of in vitro sterilization and inoculation methods using leaf and nodal explants of tobacco, Datura, Brassica etc.


2.      Study of anther, embryo and endosperm culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis & artificial seeds through photographs.


3.      Isolation of protoplasts.


4.      Construction of restriction map of circular and linear DNA from the data provided.


5.      Study of methods of gene transfer through photographs: Agrobacterium-mediated, direct gene transfer by electroporation, microinjection, microprojectile bombardment.


6.      Study of steps of genetic engineering for production of Bt cotton, Golden rice, Flavr Savr tomato through photographs.


7.      Isolation of plasmid DNA.


8.      Restriction digestion and gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA.


Suggested Readings


1.      Bhojwani, S.S. and Razdan, M.K., (1996). Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice. Elsevier Science Amsterdam. The Netherlands.


2.      Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and Applications of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington.


3.      Bhojwani, S.S. and Bhatnagar, S.P. (2011). The Embryology of Angiosperms. Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 5th edition.

4.      Snustad, D.P. and Simmons, M.J. (2010). Principles of Genetics. John Wiley and Sons, U.K. 5th edition.


5.      Stewart, C.N. Jr. (2008). Plant Biotechnology & Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Inc. U.S.A.

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